On Instructions from G & N Smith & Son: Combine Harvester, Tractors & Modern Farm Machinery
Auction closed
Withernsea, East Yorkshire
Timed auction

Auction dates

  • Ended 16 Feb 2021 13:33 GMT

Viewing dates

  • 13:00 - 16:00 GMT
  • 09:00 - 12:00 GMT

Auction details

Currency: GBP
Commissions ex. VAT/sales tax: 5.00% (includes buyer's premium and online commission)
VAT/sales tax on hammer: 20.00%

Venue address

Manor Farm, North Leys Road, Hollym, Withernsea, East Yorkshire, HU19 2QN, United Kingdom

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Results for live webcast and timed auctions may not have been verified by the auctioneer. If you are in any doubt of the accuracy of the prices provided, please call the auction house to confirm.

2009 New Holland T7040 tractor YX09 DKJ, 3105 hours, 22x 45kg front wafer weights, 650/65R42 rear and 540/65R30 front tyres with 40% tread, 4 re...

2011 New Holland T6080 tractor YX60 GFE, 2891 hours, 22x 45kg front wafer weights, 520/70R38 rear and 420/70R28 front tyres with 30% tread, 4 re...

2004 New Holland TS125A tractor YX04 FYU, 5428 hours, 520/70R38 rear and 420/70R28 front tyres with 25% tread, 4 rear spools, top link included,...

1993 Ford 7740 Powerstar SLE 2wd tractor L793 VKH, 4380 hours, 13.6R38 rear tyres with 60% tread, 13-16 front tyres, 2 rear spools, Cat 2 top li...

2012 New Holland CX5080 Combine Harvester YX62 BYZ, 885 threshing hours, 20' extending bed header and single axle header trailer, 1 OSR side kni...

1991 Case 1056XL 4wd tractor, H592 TWE, 10717 hours, runner, 540/1000 PTO, 2 spools, 18.4R38 rear (80%) & 13.6R28 front (5%) tyres ...[more]

1985 Massey Ferguson 699 2wd tractor, C216 CAT, 7992 hours, runner, 420/85R38 rear tyres with 80% tread, 10.00-16 front tyres ...[more]

  • 54 item(s)

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