Auction closed
Timed auction

Auction dates

  • Ended 04 Oct 2023 13:17 BST

Viewing dates

  • 09:00 - 17:00 BST

Auction details

Currency: GBP
Commissions ex. VAT/sales tax: 20.00% (includes buyer's premium and online commission)
VAT/sales tax on hammer: 20.00%

Venue address

The Auction Rooms, 389 - 395 Anlaby Road, Hull, HU3 6AB, United Kingdom

Auction house

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336 item(s)
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  • 336 item(s)

Results for live webcast and timed auctions may not have been verified by the auctioneer. If you are in any doubt of the accuracy of the prices provided, please call the auction house to confirm.

Shimano SPD Bicycle Shoes Size: 45, Waterproof Jackets, Toolbag, etc.

Two 1970's Shelf Pottery Castle Lamps, plus a Piggybank, and a Vase

Wedgwood Kutani Crane Pattern Pin Dishes, Vases, and Plates, etc.

Vintage Pottery and Glassware Including Paragon, Royal Albert, etc.

  • 336 item(s)

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