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257 item(s)/page
Results for live webcast and timed auctions may not have been verified by the auctioneer. If you are in any doubt of the accuracy of the prices provided, please call the auction house to confirm.
Mitsubishi 11.5Ton Diesel Forklift,Model FD115,Max Lift height 4000mm,Side Shift,Fork positioning,Solid: Tyres Hours: 1759 Video of machine operat...
Toyota 3.5Ton Electric Forklift, Model 7FBJ35, Max Lift height: 6000mm, Side Shift: Yes , Tyres: Solid, Hours: 2030,Loler certified 2025 video of...
Caterpillar Model GP30K 3ton Gas Forklift, Lift height:4000mm, Side shift: Yes, Tyres: Solid,1425Hours Loler Certified 2025 Video of machine opera...
JCB 3CX Sitemaster 4x4
JCB 3CX-4 Grey cab Sitemaster 4x4 Perkins Turbo Diesel engine, Ym 1989. 4in1 front bucket extenderdig back hoe. 4 back hoe buckets
Toyota Hilux HL2 2.5D 4WD Single cab pickup , manual, registration WF10 DXO, V5, MoT March 2025
Ford Transit Van
Ford Transit 280 Swb 2.0TD, Manual Reg AK02 VKJ, Mileage 75,104,
"WFEL Ltd portable ferry bridge pontoons, Marine grade Aluminium, max current speed laden 2.5M/s 4.8
"WFEL Ltd portable ferry bridge pontoons, Marine grade Aluminium, max current speed laden 2.5M/s 4.85Knots Buoyancy 12000kg at 30Cm freeboard. one...
"WFEL Ltd portable ferry bridge pontoons, Marine grade Aluminium, max current speed laden 2.5M/s 4.8
"WFEL Ltd portable ferry bridge pontoons, Marine grade Aluminium, max current speed laden 2.5M/s 4.85Knots Buoyancy 12000kg at 30Cm freeboard. one...
"WFEL Ltd portable ferry bridge pontoons, Marine grade Aluminium, max current speed laden 2.5M/s 4.8
"WFEL Ltd portable ferry bridge pontoons, Marine grade Aluminium, max current speed laden 2.5M/s 4.85Knots Buoyancy 12000kg at 30Cm freeboard. one...
Steel Barge:app 26m x 7m
Thames flat bottom steel barge 26metres (85ft) x 7metres (22ft9) lot location Portsmouth
Caterpillar C12, 400Hp@ 1800Rpm Diesel Engine, Pump: Godwin Model CD300 Size 12x12 Flow: 1360M3/Hr Head: 57Metres, Max Press 6.1Bar, Max suct Pres...
Caterpillar 3208T Marine V8 Turbo, 270Hp @2800rpm Diesel engine Pump SPP Type TD20E 10x8 Flow 2000us gal/min head 125psig 2800Rpm imp 11.81" 367H...
Caterpillar 3208T Marine V8 Turbo, 270Hp @2800rpm Diesel engine Pump SPP Type TD20E 10x8 Flow 2500us gal/min head 125psig 2800Rpm imp 21.48" 316H...
Cummins 6V378 V6 Non turbo 136hp @ 3300rpm Diesel Engine Ex standby Tested with video
Cummins 6V378 V6 non turbo 136hp @ 3300rpm marine Diesel Engine Ex standby Tested with video
Cummins Waterpump: N855F Marine, Diesel engine Pump Fairbanks Morse 6x Flow 1500gal/min 125psig 1770Rpm imp 17.30" 1065Hours,
Cummins Waterpump: N855F Marine Diesel engine , Pump Fairbanks Morse 6x Flow 1500gal/min 125psig 1770Rpm imp 17.30" 1229hours
Cummins Waterpump: N855F Marine Diesel engine Pump Fairbanks Morse 6x Flow 1500gal/min 125psig 1770Rpm imp 17.30" 1146hours
Cummins 6CTA8.3G2 219Hp @1500Rpm Diesel engine Used. Spare or repairs
Cummins 6CTA8.3G2 219Hp @1500Rpm Diesel engine Used. Spare or repairs
Cummins 8V504 V8 Non Turbo 105Hp @ 1500Rpm 210hp@ 2800Rpm Diesel Engine ex Standby
Cummins 8V504 V8 Non Turbo 105Hp @ 1500Rpm 210hp@ 2800Rpm Diesel Engine ex Standby
Cummins 8V504 V8 Non Turbo 105Hp @ 1500Rpm 210hp@ 2800Rpm Diesel Engine ex Standby
Cummins 8V504 V8 Non Turbo 105Hp @ 1500Rpm 210hp@ 2800Rpm Diesel Engine ex Standby
GM Detroit 16v92T V16 Turbo 1045hp @1500 Rpm Diesel Engine 431Hours
GM Detroit 16v92T V16 Turbo 1045hp @1500 Rpm Diesel Engine 431Hours
Detroit Waterpump: 6V92T310hp @2350Rpm Diesel engine pump: Armstrong10x8x14HF, Size 10x8 Flow 2500US GPM 125 PSI 2350 Rpm 524 Hours
GM Detroit 6V92T V6 Turbo 277Hp at 1800rpm Marine Diesel engine Ex Standby
GM Detroit 8V71T V8 Turbo Diesel Engine Ex standby
GM Detroit 6V71T V6 Turbo Diesel Engine Reman 0Hours
GM Detroit 671 6cyl non Turbo Marine Diesel Engine Ex Standby Tested with video
GM Detroit Marine Diesel Engine: 671 6Cyl Non Turbo Ex Standby
GM Detroit Marine Diesel Engine: 671 6Cyl Non Turbo 302Hours
GM Detroit 471 4cyl non Turbo Diesel Engine tested with video
GM Detroit 671 6Cyl Non Turbo Diesel Engine 2316Hours
GM Detroit 671 6Cyl Non Turbo Diesel Engine:Used
GM Detroit 8V92TA V8 500Hp@ 2100Rpm Diesel Engine:spares or repairs
GM Detroit 353 3cyl non Turbo Diesel Engine:Allison ModelPTA41081 Over Centre clutch Used.
GM Detroit 471 Diesel engine
GM Detroit 471 4cyl non Turbo Diesel Engine spares or repair
GM Detroit 6V71 V6 Diesel engine incomplete spares or repairs
GM Detroit 6V92 V6 Diesel Engine: incomplete spares or repairs
GM Detroit 453 4cyl Non Turbo Marine Diesel Engine: 453 with Gearbox Used
Dorman 6LE 6cyl Non Turbo Diesel Engine
Enfield Model HO2 twin cylinder Marine Diesel Engine with Parsons gearbox. Unused
FG Wilson/Marelli Diesel Power pack 130hp @1500rpm New
Fiat/Iveco 8281SRI03 v8 Turbo, App 440hp @ 2000rpm Diesel Engine SPP Pump type B085C,size 10x8 Head 137.7M Flow 121LPS @1615Rpm 330 Hours
Fiat/ Iveco 8281SRI03 v8 Turbo App 440hp @ 2000rpm Diesel engine, SPP Pump type B085C,size 10x8, Head 137.7M Flow 121LPS @1615Rpm 317 Hours
Foden FD6 Ex training school engine
75Kva Continuous 82Kva Standby Gas Turbine Generator open set Ex Standby
75Kva Continuous 82Kva Standby Gas Turbine Generator Ex open set Standby
75Kva Continuous 82Kva Standby Gas Turbine Generator Ex open set Standby
75Kva Continuous 82Kva Standby Gas Turbine Generator Ex open set Standby
Ford Godiva Diesel Firepump
Ford 4Cyl 1.8Litre Diesel Engine Pump Godiva GN1700 45hours
Ford Godiva Diesel Firepump
Ford 4Cyl 1.8Litre Diesel Engine Pump Godiva GN1700 Ex standby
Ford Godiva Diesel Firepump
Ford 4Cyl 1.8Litre Diesel Engine Pump Godiva GN1700 Ex standby
Ford Godiva Diesel Firepump
Ford 4Cyl 1.8Litre Diesel Engine Pump Godiva GN1700 Ex standby
Ford Godiva Diesel Firepump
Ford 4Cyl 1.8Litre Diesel Engine Pump Godiva GN1700 Ex standby
Ford Godiva Diesel Firepump
Ford 4Cyl 1.8Litre Diesel Engine Pump Godiva GN1700 Ex standby
Ford Godiva Diesel Firepump
Ford 4Cyl 1.8Litre Diesel Engine Pump Godiva GN1700 Ex standby

257 item(s)/page