Auction Of 30 Tons Steel Stock, 4: Flat Bed Trucks, Sprinter Flat Bed, 2: Everising Bandsaws, CombiLift C3000 Fork Truck, Stillages & More
Walsall, West Midlands
Timed auction

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  • Ends from 03 Apr 2025 11:00 BST

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  • By appointment only

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Currency: GBP
Commissions ex. VAT/sales tax: 16.00% (includes buyer's premium and online commission)
VAT/sales tax on hammer: 20.00%

Venue address

Industrial Unit 1, 83 North Street, Walsall, West Midlands, WS2 8AU, United Kingdom

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  • 62 item(s)

Please Note: The Auction is By Order of the Propsed Liquidator Lots are located in Derby Collections By Appointment on Tuesday 8,9,10th April 20...

As Per our Standard Terms of Online Auction Sale: It is the Purchaser's Responsibility to Attend Site to Load, Dismantle and Electrically Disconne...

Please Note: After the end of bidding and when the auction is closed by Kumar & Company Limited, all bids will be reviewed and confirmed by us and...

*Kumar & Company Limited only accepts bank transfers as the method of payment for any lots purchased at auction, we are unable to accept Credit & ...

Please Note: Bidders who fail to pay their invoice by the payment deadline will be reported to Bidspotter/I Bidder and will be subject to platform...

2010 - CombiLift C3000 Multi Directional LPG  Fork Lift Truck, Rated Capacity 3,000Kg, Unladen Weigh 4,900Kg, Serial No. 10047, Hours - 9625, (07/...

Everising Machine Co. Ltd Model H - 460 HB Fully Automatic Band Saw, Serial No.033233, Blade Size L - 5450mm x W 41 x T - 1.3, Max Work Piece Si...

Everising Machine Co. Ltd Model H - 360 HB Fully Automatic Band Saw, Serial No.033233, Blade Size L - 4420mm x W 34 x T - 1.1, Max Work Piece Size...

M.A.N TGX 26.480 Efficient Line, 12,419cc Diesel 6 x 2 Mid Lift Top Sleeper Tractor Unit, Registration No. WP64 XT...

DAF LF 150, 4,500 cc Diesel 7.5 Tonne Curtain side Truck, Fitted with Tall Body & Tail Lift, Registration No. DX64 VCT, Date of Registration 24/10...

3: Hollow Tube Sections L - 7.5 Metre 100 x  3mm

2: Tube Hollow Section 7.5 m L - 114.3 x 3.6mm thick 4: Rectangular Hollow Sections 7.5mL - 120 c 60 x3.5mm thick. 4: Small Rectangular Sections 7...

1: Steel RSJ UB 203 x133x25

13: C Channel 12m -100x50mm

2: C Chanel Sections 12m - 150x 75

1: RSJ 6.1m - 310 x 168 mm

13: Mixed Rectangular Sections.

6mm Steel Rod 6.1m Length

Lot 62

Mixed metal

Mixed metal

Mixed boxed sections Dimensions in pictures

5: 6m Square Hollow section 100x100x3mm10: 6m Square Hollow Sections 50x50x2mm 1: Rectangler Hollow Section 6.5m - 120x60x3 mm2 galvanised 6m Angl...

Various types of 6 Steel Beems To include 2: C Chanel sections 6.2m -150x70mm 1: Angle Line 6.68m - 120x 120x10mm

Quantity of 10mm Square Rods 6m

Approx 55: Angle Lines 6.1m - 50x 50x 3mm

Approx 25 Flat Sections 6m - 150x 6mm

4: Chequered Plates 2500x 1265 x 4mm

  • 62 item(s)

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