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194 item(s)
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  • 194 item(s)

Pneumatic Transfer System (for herbs or low density products), comprising a small hopper with a variable speed tray feeder discharge feeding into ...

Rotary Metering Type - Buhler Rotary Bin Discharger, with 4hp drive, 600 mm dia. sweep arm, feed control gate and electro pneumatic cut off. (3 re...

Drop Through Rotary Valve - Extech EXMV 650/850 Drop Through Rotary Valve, this valve has a weighted bypass flap in the inlet and rotating side pl...

Dust Handling Shaker Filter - DCE Unimaster UMA 250H G5 Shaker Type Dust Collector, with controller and purpose made under hopper but no acoustic ...

Centrifugal Fan - 700mm dia. Centrifugal Fan, with forward curved blades on the impellor and vee belt drive. The motor looks like 11 or 15kW (2 re...

Chain & Flight - 200mm wide Chain and Flight Conveyor, 8.0 metres long with galvanised case 320 mm deep. No drive and the chain is broken (UCPE 45...

U Trough Screw - 200mm dia. U Trough Screw Conveyor, 3m long with top mounted head drive (UCPE 4504) Price - £400Please read the following importa...

Belt - Tickhill Engineering Belt Conveyor (probably for vegetable handling), It is 2.4 metres long has a part stainless steel part galvanised case...

Chain & Flight - Redler Enmasse Chain and Flight Conveyor, with 230 mm wide flight in a 250 mm wide painted case 360 mm deep. The conveyor is 5.6 ...

Chain & Flight - Redler Enmasse Chain and Flight Conveyor, with 125 mm wide flight in a 150 mm wide painted case 280 mm deep. The conveyor is 6.9 ...

Chain & Flight - Redler Enmasse Chain and Flight Conveyor, with 230 mm wide flight in a 250 mm wide painted case 360 mm deep. The conveyor is 11.8...

Chain & Flight - Redler Enmasse Chain and Flight Conveyor, with 125 mm wide flight in a 150 mm wide painted case 280 mm deep. The conveyor is 5.0 ...

Single Screw Discharger - Carier 350mm dia. Tapered Screw Discharger, 2.8 metres long with 1.8 metre intake section and side mounted tail drive (U...

Gyratory - Texpan Oscillating Sieve, with a selection of spare screen meshes. Believed to be a model VGZ1.5T/2500 and built around 1995. It is 7.8...

Hydraulic Powerpack - Vickers Hydraulic Powerpack, with 7.5kW pump. Done little work. The pump is believed to be a model PVE19RW which will delive...

Hydraulic Powerpack - Vickers Hydraulic Powerpack, with 7.5kW pump. This unit is on casters, has an oil bund and 8 No spool valves. The pump is a ...

Dump Chutes - Stainless steel hand operated pellet press dump chute, 390 mm x 250 mm x 500 mm high (UCPE 4549) Price - £100Please read the followi...

Dump Chutes - Stainless steel hand operated pellet press dump chute, 400 mm x 250 mm x 620 mm high (UCPE 4550) Price - £100Please read the followi...

Pallet Turntable - Pallet Turntable, 2.5 metres dia. with 1.25 metre wide gravity roller track mounted on it. The rollers are 75mm dia. on 100mm p...

Trommel - Enclosed Trommel, looks like a Snowflake model. It is 5.0 metres long x 2.44 metres wide x 3.4 metres high and has a dust extraction poi...

U Trough Screw - Texpan U Trough Screw Conveyor, 600mm dia. x 3.7 metres long with contrawound flight to a central outlet. This conveyor can shutt...

Packing Line - Morray Bagging Line, comprising a bag placer, birds beak bag clamp, bag aligner, bag closer, bag stitcher, bag posser, bag kicker a...

Hammer Mill - Christy & Norris B7/2 Hammermill, on base plate with a direct coupled 37 kW drive (seems to be well oversized). There is no fan on t...

Sampling Unit - Granta In-Line Grain Sampler, with controls (UCPE 4783) Price - £850Please read the following important notes:-***Overseas buyers ...

Bag Weigher - T A Shore Tascol T160 Gravity Fed Mechanical Net Bag Weigher, with control panel and feed hopper. This weigher has a valve pack spou...

Centrifugal Fan - Centrifugal Fan, with 838 mm dia. backward lamina impellor and 18.5 kW 1460 rpm direct drive. Inlet is 737 mm dia. and the upwar...

Pellet Press - Swiss Combi 4/4K Pelleting Press, with what looks like a 160kW drive, no plate. The press has a force feeder, a set of four rolls a...

Furnace - Energy Unlimited Biomass Burner, believed built in 2008. It has an output of 5MW thermal (18,000,000 BTU). Includes digital control syst...

Shavings or Straw Balers - Small Pack Baler (believed to be by Bale-Pak), it is a three ram machine, with hydraulic power pack. The pack outlet is...

Motor - 110 kW 2950 rpm Foot Mounted TEFC Motor (2 remaining) (UCPE 5296) Price - £1,000Please read the following important notes:-***Overseas buy...

Motor - 110 kW 1490 rpm Foot Mounted TEFC Motor (2 remaining) (UCPE 5297) Price - £1,000Please read the following important notes:-***Overseas buy...

Drop Through Rotary Valve - Callow Cast Steel Rotary Valve, inlet 315 mm x 455 mm x 575 mm high. Rotor approx. 450 mm dia. No drive (UCPE 5298) Pr...

Drop Through Rotary Valve - DKF JK50S Drop Through Rotary Valve, with 200 mm dia. rubber tipped rotor. Inlet is 200 mm x 500 mm. No drive (UCPE 52...

Aspirating Cleaners - Law Denis Aspirating Cleaner, section from above a rotary cleaner complete with fan and trash auger (UCPE 5302) Price - £1,5...

Palletiser - Pacepacker F1 Low Level Palletiser, with pallet magazine, entry and exit conveyors and control panel. Believed to be 1995 vintage (UC...

Furnace - Refactory Brick Lined Furnace, approx. 2.0 metres O/D x 5.2 metres long + 700 mm for the burner. The burner is a Hamworthy model AWG15 c...

Rotary Drum Dryer - Swiss Combi MK 5 Triple Pass Rotary Drum Dryer, probably mid 70s vintage but been refurbished in recent years. The drum is abo...

Drop Through Rotary Valve - Drop Through Rotary Valve, approx. 250 m dia. with 520 mm x 240 mm inlet but no drive (UCPE 5509) Price - £500Please r...

Rotary Valve - 200mm dia. Rotary Valve, with in-line geared drive (UCPE 5513) Price - £500Please read the following important notes:-***Overseas b...

U Trough Screw - 250 mm dia. U Trough Screw Conveyor, 2.1 metres long with drive (UCPE 5516) Price - £450Please read the following important notes...

Furnace - Gareth Jones 60LH Chain Grate Stoker, with refractory lined furnace, bed drive, combustion fan and control panel. The bed is 1.5 metres ...

Horizontal Pellet Cooler - Swiss Combi Two Deck Moving Bed Pellet Cooler, 10 metres long. Bed width is 1.9 metres and overall body width is 2.3 me...

Chain & Flight - Cimbria Stainless Steel Cased Chain and Flight Conveyor, with swan neck bend and inclined outlet end. The case is 260 mm wide x 3...

Palletiser - Ridder P300 High Level Palletiser, built in 1997. This machine has input conveyor, bag flattener, pallet magazine (adjustable for dif...

Form Fill & Seal - Hassia Flexibag 130-75-62 Vertical Form Fill and Seal Machine, with weigher, flattener, exit conveyor and two different sized f...

Hammer Mill - Champion Hammermill Beaters, unused, in boxes of 45 balanced sets. There are 48 boxes available. Each beater has hardened edges maki...

Walking Floor Bunker - Nazzareno 2R-9000 Push Floor Bunker (built in 2008), with 2 x 18.5kW hydraulic powerpacks. This unit comprises two grids si...

Reversejet Filter - Galvanised Dust Storage Silo, constructed from smooth flanged panels. This silo is 4.0M dia. for 9.0M and then the walls slope...

Grain Cleaning & Dressing - Buhler DNRB 6012 oat clipper. Built 1978 but recently fully reconditioned by Hoflinger and not used since.(2 remaining...

Plate Mill - Unused disc mill/plate mill. Made in Denmark by United Milling Systems now Engsko. It is believed to be a model MHA 600D with a 37kw ...

Pneumatic Conveyor - Purpose built portable grain blower with 30kW motor and Westinghouse GS250 blowing seal (UCPE 6158) Price - £1,500Please read...

Gasification Plant - Complete gasification plant, done very little work. Built 2010 closed 2013. Comprises Laimet wood chipper (see UCPE-6185, woo...

Shrouded Chain - Twin Chain Conveyor, 20 metres long with 100mm deep plastic flight extensions. Overall width 825mm and working width is 620mm (UC...

Belt - Chevron Belt Conveyor, 500mm wide x 13 metres long with drive. Body is 330mm deep and it has 150mm high steel side walls with rubber skirt ...

Round Case Screw - Ajax Heavy Duty Low Speed Round Cased Screw Conveyor, with 200mm dia. flight, 200mm pitch and 75mm dia. centre tube. 3.0 metres...

Round Case Screw - Ajax Heavy Duty Low Speed Round Cased Screw Conveyor, with 200mm dia. flight, 200mm pitch and 75mm dia. centre tube. 4.0 metres...

Round Case Screw - Heavy Duty 200mm dia. Round Cased Screw Conveyor Sections (no drives). Probably conveying hot ash from gasifiers, 1 x 1.1 metre...

Link Plate - 400mm wide Link Plate Swan Neck Conveyor, with twin roller chains, steel cleats and side walls. The case is 500m wide x 370mm deep. T...

Link Plate - 600mm wide Link Plate Swan Neck Conveyor, with twin roller chains, steel cleats and side walls. The case is 720m wide x 520mm deep. T...

Stitchers & Sealers - Medway Pedestal Mounted Stitcher, with bag conveyor. (2 remaining) (UCPE 6178) Price - £1,500 eachPlease read the following ...

  • 194 item(s)

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