KIA Superturn 28 CNC lathe Fanuc Oi-TB CNC control Swarf conveyor Serial no. SKT-28-0300 Year - 2005
KIA Superturn 28 CNC lathe Fanuc Oi-TB CNC control Swarf conveyor Serial no. SKT-28-0300 Year - 2005
Dugard Eagle 300 slant bed CNC Lathe Fanuc O-TD CNC control Swarf conveyor Serial no. 290712 Year - 2003
Mori Seiki SL-25 CNC slant bed CNC lathe Fanuc 1-5T CNC control Bar feed system Swarf conveyor Serial no. n/a Year - n/a
Graziano model Sag 22 Centre Lathe Serial no. 102222 Year - n/a
XYZ model 1760 430 x 150 gap bed centre lathe Serial no. n/a Year - n/a
Hardinge model HLV-H Toolroom Lathe with bar feed Serial no. n/a Year - n/a
Hardinge Turret lathe Ferranti 2 axis DRO Serial no. n/a Year - n/a
Colchester Master 2500 centre lathe c/w Colchester 2 axis DRO Serial no. n/a Year - n/a
Colchester Bantam 2000 straight bed centre lathe Serial no. 3/011/02410 Year - n/a
Location: Near Swansea Warco GH 1230 Lathe Year: 2023 Forms Part Of A Genuine Dispersal Sale
Harrison 600 Centre Lathe Please Note This Machine is sold On Behalf of a Retained Client and is not Connected to One Stop Steel. Machine Locate...
Boxford STS Centre Lathe Direct from Windsor Forest Colleges GroupSN 87092143Untestedlightly used in education settingmanual includedLocation: Egh...
Harrison 140 Centre Lathe Direct from Windsor Forest Colleges Group SN 151444 Untested lightly used in education setting Location: Egham, Su...
Harrison M300 metalworking lathe with Sealey American-Pro toolbox and contents (Lathe tools) Please note there is a £20 Plus VAT Lift Out Fee on t...
Sealey SM27.v2, Metalworking lathe. (Location: Maintainance)
Excel OPTIturn TH3309 approx. 320mm SWING OVER BED CENTRE LATHE, serial no. 200121060769, year of manufacture 2021, bed approx. 1m long, with cool...